This is the “parent page” for several essays I have written about Anabaptist theology.

The following list includes some essays from my book, Embodying the Way of Jesus: Anabaptist Convictions for the Twenty-First Century (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2007). The essays that are here include:

(1) Anabaptism for the Twenty-First Century

(2) Whither Contemporary Anabaptist Theology?

(3) From Sixteenth-Century Anabaptism to Mennonite Church U.S.A.

(4) Civilian Public Service and Mennonite Pacifism

(5) Anabaptist Faith and American Democracy

(6) Is God Nonviolent?

(7) Biblical Interpretation: Anabaptists Theology, and Recent Hermeneutics

And here are other essays on the general theme of Anabaptist convictions:

Practice-oriented vs. doctrine-oriented theology: An Anabaptist proposal

Against Empire: A Yoderian Reading of Romans

A Journey With Jesus

An Anabaptist Vision for the 21st Century: Some Propostitions

Is Pacifism Ever an Idol?

Part of the Conversation? “Neo-Mennonites” and Mennonite Theology

God’s Healing Strategy [Chapter from Embodying the Way of Jesus]


  1. Pingback: Confession: I'm Dogmatic about Non-Violence | TurriDesign

  2. Chuck Warnock

    I just discovered your blog this week. I ordered and read Embodying The Way of Jesus. As a Baptist pastor who is not interested in the fundamentalist evangelicalism of the Southern Baptist Convention today, nor in the struggling reaction to it by the moderate CBF, I might have found a place to call my own. Can I become a honorary “neo-Mennonite?” Are there dues, and if so, where do I send them? Seriously, thank you for your work in articulating an anabaptist vision that many of us in other Baptist traditions are searching for. I’ll be back. (I must also confess to being influenced by David Augsburger, as I have taken two DMin seminars with him at Fuller in the past two years. What a gracious and brilliant man!)

    1. Ted Grimsrud Post author

      Thanks, Chuck. Indeed, no dues to be part of the Neo-Mennonite “club”—welcome! Also, you’re the first person I’ve seen who uses this same Word Press theme. Great minds think alike. I agree concerning David Augsburger. He’s one of my favorite people.

    2. Farmer

      Sam FreyI really like your idea, but ptntiug our in action is enough to make many weak in the knees. Yes even for Mennos. We often would prefer to do this at arms length, or somewhat anonymously in MDS, soup kitchens, work projects, etc. When we start to really love someone we have to open up a window to who we are. we share our lives (stories/) with those we interact with on a daily basis neighbors, coworkers, etc. we will open windows to our souls. I truly believe that LOVE is only possible to ones we truly know, we cannot say we LOVE one we only have casual contact with, as yes this is very often the case with those who live around us. But what you are suggesting requires getting to now their stories and gain a window to their soul. This intimacy can be uncomfortable and downright scary for many. This intimacy also makes us vulnerable, accountable and other words which can strike fear into many a christian.I am not trying to be sarcastic but this is what I observe as I suggest activities that requires folks to go outside there comfort zones. We tend to get quiet even in small discussion groups and not share our thoughts. I am going to stop my soapbox, but again affirm your ideas. What would our CHURCH be if everyone of us reach out to even a few of our neighbors! How the World could change!

  3. Chuck Warnock

    I changed over to this wordpress theme in Jan or Feb, I think. As a result, my page views have increased, possibly because there are three posts on the homepage. I’ve received several positive comments on the theme, so I guess it’s working for now. Thanks for your site and work. I’ll be back often as I continue to explore my anabaptist roots.

  4. Thelma

    For peace teaching/preaching check out the teaching of Bruxy Cavey “Inglorious Pastors”: found at the website for The Meeting House in Oakville Canada.

  5. Pingback: “Mennonite Systematic Theology”: An opportunity whose time has passed? | Thinking Pacifism

  6. Pingback: The “essence” of Anabaptism | Thinking Pacifism

  7. Pingback: Ted Grimsrud - Violence as Theological Problem - Restorative Justice On The Rise

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